Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Mischievous baby (a threat for ectopic pregnancy) | ectopic pregnancy locations | Mnemonic


Mischievous baby (a threat for ectopic pregnancy)

Imagine a blastocyst as baby who is mischievous and just wants to get out of her mothers body, so when he is formed by sperm and egg fusion in the fallopian tube, he because of his stubbornness says, I will stay here, when mother allows to, he starts drilling into her tubes (i.e., the interstitium) , when mother allows again, he doesn’t sit aside, he exits the tubes and adhere to ovaries then into the abdominal cavity then onto the scar of C section and if he doesn’t go that way and on mothers scolding he enters uterus for it being its normal place, it adheres to cervix (the exit door of uterus) to get outside another way

funny, huh!


Allah Hafiz!

Recurrent miscarriage Risk factors | Linker Mnemonic


Remember about saca (in avatar cartoon series) who has rotating (cycling around itself) boomerang resembling a miscarriage like he used to miss his targets mostly, by his recurrent efforts. So saca:

S = structural anomaly of uterus


C = chromosomal translocation (balanced)

A = advancing age & obesity

I hope it works for you all

Allah Hafiz!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Instrumentation QC for nuclear cardiology boards notes


Uniformity tests 3 million counts for small FOV, 5 million counts for large FOV

Photopeak (energy peaking)

Area survery (at end of each working day) where unsealed radioactive material is prepared for  use and administered

GM counter (survery meter) to measure contamination
- check battery daily
- source check (daily) to see if it responds to radiation

Dose calibrator
- background check daily
- voltage check


Planar resolution

Linearity (Bar phantom)


COR (or monthly)


Plexiglass Jaszczak phantoms (SPECT contrast, resolution, and uniformity) or annually

6 months:

Leak test at sealed source

Each licensee who uses a sealed source shall have the source tested for leakage at intervals not to exceed 6 months. 


Survey meter should be calibrated (to ensure meter responds accurately to radiation)

Dose calibrator (accuracy)

Manufacturer recommendation:
Uniformity correction

equivalent dose, exposure, activity units mnemonic for nuclear medicine boards


Half life of PET radiotracers mnemonic

Theory of equilibrium mnemonic for nuclear medicine boards
